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Lightsystem Laserwave
Lightsystem Laserwave Double Wave
Laser Double Wave Multidiode 808 nm and 1064 nm for Professional Hair Removal
It is a new defocused technology – a laser hair removal with two wavelengths mixed: 808 nm and 1064 nm, which allow you to achieve an effectiveness never seen before. Why choose our new Double Wave Diode Laser 808 nm and 1064 nm? Let’s hear it from the direct opinion of leading industry experts.

The dermatologist: «The advantages of laser hair removal with the new Double Wave Laser»
Lightsystem Laserwave, How Double Wave Diode Laser Works
«Lightsystem Laserwave, the double wavelength laser, differs from conventional lasers by the simultaneous emission of two wavelengths (808 nm and 1064 nm), concentrated in a single powerful stream of laser light pulses. How does it work? The laser light for hair at 1064 nm, thanks to its greater penetration and its absorption also by the chromophore water, increases in depth the heat profile of the professional hair removal treatment for a more effective and performing action. The high diode power at 808 nm and the efficiency of laser hair light at 1064 nm facilitate the achievement of important results even in the most complex cases. The Lightsystem Laserwave Double Wave laser hair removal method is based on the transformation of light into heat (selective photothermolysis). The laser energy is absorbed by the stem and the hair tissues and is converted into heat, thus increasing the temperature of the follicles. When the temperature is quite high, damage to the structure of the follicle is obtained, which regresses after a certain period thanks to natural physiological processes, achieving the purpose of progressive hair removal and, therefore, of definitive hair removal».
The main target
«The main target of the double-wave diode laser is melanin. What is it? It is a polymer produced by melanocytes and used by the body as a pigment. The term «selective photothermolysis» derives from the fact that laser light for hair at 808 and 1064 nanometers is harmless to the skin and its structures, but is selectively absorbed by the melanin-rich hair follicle.
The follicles, which are in the anagenic phase, have the largest amount of melanin and can absorb the clear energy that comes from the double wavelength laser. This energy damages the hair follicle and alters its ability to develop more hair.
Over time, the hairs will fall outwards and the growth will be slowed down until the progressive disappearance, in view of the achievement of the final hair removal».
Chromophore and laser
«Colored substances that absorb light are called chromophores. The main chromophores found in the skin are melanin, hemoglobin (oxyhemoglobin) and water. Each chromophore has a different absorption depending on the wavelength of the light. Depending on the wavelength range used, you can then hit one target rather than another. The chromophore, absorbing the light, heats up and transmits heat to the surrounding tissues. The Double Wave Laser uses an emission spectrum that mainly affects the melanin chromophore; and also, to a lesser extent, oxyhemoglobin and water».

The biomedical engineer: «Different from all conventional lasers»
The Double Wave Laser
«The double-wave diode laser is a device able to realize a laser epilation with two very powerful mixed wavelengths, which, individually, are consistent, monochromatic and concentrated in a rectilinear beam extremely collimated. The brightness (brilliance) of these laser sources is very high and allows you to concentrate a large power in a very small area».
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The Laser Diode at 808 nm
«Ideal wavelength for laser hair removal treatmentsr. Radius of action of perfect depth that easily penetrates the dermis and is absorbed by the melanin of hair follicles».
The Diode Laser at 1064 nm
«Laser light for hair at 1064 nm offers a targeted and safer action in subjects of dark skin and in summer. Thanks to its greater penetration and its absorption also by the chromophore water, increases in depth the thermal profile of the laser hair removal treatment».
Highly efficient technology
«The dual-wave diode laser uses a brand new diode technology capable of emitting beams of light at high resolution, uniform, with symmetrical divergence and remarkable ability to reflect. Features that guarantee an optimal penetration of the laser light for hair».
Powerful, ultra-fast and selective
«To speed up the simultaneous release of the two wavelengths, Lightsystem Laserwave is equipped with a powerful 1,200 watt laser generator».
Measuring the Optimal Sapphire Area
«Large size of the sapphire area (extended version 22×13 mm)».

Delicate and Chilled
«Handpiece with refrigerated surface for the best application comfort and exclusive ultracold cooling-system».
Very Long Life
«The double wavelength laser has a longer lifespan than conventional laser. Its technology has a high threshold of resistance even at higher temperatures».
Maximum Customization
«The two mixed light beams allow a calibrated energy supply with variable fluence up to 40 J/cm2. Pulse duration from 10 to 300 ms. with the possibility to split the spots and use the multispots mode. Double Wave Laser offers the best solution for every type of hair and skin».
Memory Card
«Data storage system and customer protocol».
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The Marketing Expert: «Good news: Double Wave Laser is easy to get»
The pleasure and serenity of laser rental
«Our unique dual wavelength laser ,with new diode technology at 808 nm and 1064 nm can also be rented at great conditions. The solution of the laser rental is definitely a revolution in the market: it allows, in fact, to be serene under the economic point of view and, at the same time, to have a cutting-edge technology to stand out from competitors».
Market analysis
«The non-invasive aesthetic sector is unquestionably the most expanding market in Italy; an inexhaustible reality in contrast to the “crisis”, with an estimated turnover of 18.2 billion euros per year (Istat data)».
The value of professional hair removal
«The demand for professional hair removal treatments is experiencing a moment of great development. The demand for permanent hair removal is growing also at the level of men’s hair removal, as well as always, of course, that for all women’s hair removal treatments.
In particular, here are the most requested hair removal treatments by consumers:
- Hair removal shoulders and back for men;
- Depilation arms man;
- Hair removal legs;
- Hair removal in the groin;
- Complete hair removal;
- Depilation armpits;
- Depilation of arms;
- Permanent facial hair removal;
- Hair removal moustaches;
- Complete hair removal»
Time to take action. Consumers call for new laser hair removal treatments
«Consumers have clear ideas. They do not ask for simple hair removal treatments: they mainly ask for laser hair removal treatments. Being ready to meet this demand represents a great opportunity for growth and profit. Lightsystem Laserwave Double Wave is the best solution to stand out from the competition and meet consumer demand».
The advantages of the Double Wave Laser for the treated subject
- Azione più profonda ed efficace
- Attivazione di tre cromofori (melanina, ossiemoglobina e acqua)
- Massima personalizzazione anche per pelli scure
- Sedute ancora più confortevoli e non fastidiose
- Risultati in tempi brevi con riduzione del numero di sedute
- Trattamenti molto rapidi anche su zone estese
- Costi economicamente sostenibili
- Applicazione accessibile a tutti i fototipi di pelle
- Trattamenti gestibili anche d’estate
- Made in Italy: progettato, costruito e assistito in Italia
- Ultraveloce e Potente: migliore riduzione tempi di seduta e trattamento
- Very Long Life: durata e utilizzo superiori alla media
- Efficace: ottimi risultati per uomini e donne
- Clienti e pazienti soddisfatti: ideale anche nei casi più complessi
- Versatile: sicuro e attivo su tutti i fototipi di pelle
- Delicato e ultrafreddo: manipolo con superficie refrigerata
- Anche d’estate: utilizzo continuativo 12 mesi l’anno
- Rapido ritorno economico: crescita del volume d’affari ed alta redditività
- Facile da avere: grazie alle esclusive formule di laser a noleggio

Technical features
- Laser source: UltraQuality double wave diodes verylong life
- Wavelengths: 808 nm and 1064 nm
- Density: 40J / cm2 max
Generator power: 1200w - Sapphire area size: 13x13mm Intense models and 22x13mm Extended model
- Multi-spot emission: from 1 to 12 pulses per second
- Single spot emission: from 1 to 3 split pulses
- Duration of each single pulse: from 10 to 300 ms
- Ultra-efficient and long-lasting laser handpiece
- Cooling of the treated area: from 0 ° to 10 ° C °
- Power supply: various power supplies from 90 to 240 v are available. – 50/60 Hz
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